Eco-car construction through STEM experience | Статья в журнале «Юный ученый»

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Высокая практическая значимость Высокая теоретическая значимость Высокая научная новизна

Рубрика: Экология

Опубликовано в Юный учёный №7 (37) июль 2020 г.

Дата публикации: 05.07.2020

Статья просмотрена: 25 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Беккереева, А. А. Eco-car construction through STEM experience / А. А. Беккереева, Э. А. Сарсенова. — Текст : непосредственный // Юный ученый. — 2020. — № 7 (37). — С. 43-45. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

Oil production is growing every year in different regions, since the oil industry is one of the main sectors of the economy of Kazakhstan and around the world. But the fact is that the growing volumes of gas consumption in Kazakhstan can be completely depleted by the gas fields now operating in a few years, instead of using everything for its intended purpose. Although oil production is increasing every year, most Kazakhstani fields have already passed their peak production period and are considered developed. In order to maintain pressure in them, it is necessary to pump associated gas, and this is a rather costly process, making the price of oil produced illiquid. It will be much more profitable to come up with a replacement for the actual and environmental problem in the country, use it for the needs of the domestic market or process it, develop production and offer other people their ideas using an eco-car.

Personally, I would like to create such a product that can penetrate the thoughts people, maximize awareness among society and generations with the help of my own eco-car that will make it possible to reflect on modern problems in general.

I myself live in the capital of Kazakhstan and the growing population helps to come to global thoughts about strengthening the environment in my city through constant pollution, climate change and the use of heavy and toxic substances. Two years ago, a large-scale exhibition EXPO 2017 was held in my city, in which about 100 countries of the world and about 10 international organizations participated. This exhibition helped me to see with my own eyes the world's best energy-saving technologies, new developments and technologies for using existing alternative energy sources, such as the energy of the sun, wind, sea, ocean and thermal waters. Leading the right way of life is becoming more and more difficult in a gradually polluting world, so I decided to start experimenting with robotics right now, starting my first job with an eco-car.

Fragmented with my project related to innovative technologies, about two years ago I participated in the STEM Exhibition. The result of scientific work is visible only when all the collected factors are collected together from the study to the measurements. In the STEM project, I created the exact version of the solar oven in order to demonstrate a solution to the problem of using ovens and microwaves when it is possible to replace the oven with my own hand using the energy of the sun. And who would have thought that the usual black color can attract so much solar energy! This was my first experience using solar energy and gain experience in using practical technologies. Earlier, I clarified that I want to set the use of salt as an alternative to fuel. That is why I need to provide a way to use modern technology and salt. Therefore, I will be obliged to explain and thoroughly show the technology in the form of an eco-machine, how the experiment brought will improve the situation in the country. My research is organized in a mind map that will open up new understandings of salt research as affordable fuel. In order to get the result in building my eco-car to improve the state of the country in environmental terms, transforming it to a model and design to achieve sustainable development and viability I used various sources of information that have a sufficient amount of relevant data and modern ideas such as government articles, digital pictures from the Internet, exhibitions, statistics and video. Before receiving and taking information from different sources, I clearly decided for myself that my sources will include only that information that are time-tested, have up-to-date information, names of creators, keywords, facts and reliable.

I created a plan which I will follow to create a full-fledged project. Each of my steps was captured in order the process of creating clean energy and the movement of an eco-car.

Define the maquette

At the beginning of developing the eco-car construction, I required to arrange the format and all the conveniences considering the advances I need to demonstrate. At the same time considering several ideas and draft options, the final obtaining materials for design of the eco-car includes:

Necessary tools

  1. Beaker
  2. Salt
  3. Flat screwdriver
  4. Pliers
  5. Mixing stick

Mechanical parts

  1. Motor with connectors

Maintaining engine cleanliness due to the removal of contaminants and when replacing the solution (water, salt).

  1. Pinion gear

Transmits rotational motion between the wheels of an eco-car, using gearing with the teeth of an adjacent gear.

  1. Round rod

Provides full fixation on both sides for the eco-car.

  1. Air cathode

The invention is the creation of a cheap air cathode for batteries with high energy density, having a breathable and waterproof layer.

  1. Gasket

Ensures the tightness of the developed mechanism, and also prevents the penetration of excess moisture to keep all joints clean and dry.

  1. Magnesium plate

Do not contain formaldehyde and other toxic chemical compounds. At the same time, they do not emit odor and harmful substances, which allows them to remain environmentally friendly while using.

  1. Plastic dropper

For convenient use when pouring the solution and limiting the rate of fluid outflow.

  1. Plastic parts

All used plastic materials were fundamental to the creation of the mechanism of the entire eco-car.

Model development

Received energy from movement working by salt water. This method gives an excellent chance to introduce modern society to new forms of clean energy and to show how uniquely simple it works. The usual addition of salt water and the resulting movement can be used continuously for about 20 minutes. Depending on when the car goes slower or stops, it is worth making saline again, refuel the machine and finally start it. Each magnesium sheet can work continuously for 4 hours and produce an environmentally friendly type of energy. The construction of an eco-car itself required maximum concentration and accuracy in any perfect actions.

Fig.1. Eco-car design

During the process, tasks such as connecting parts for assembly, installing a motor with a connector, distributing the correct proportion of water and salt, correcting a battery require a lot of time and use all the persistence. While working with the connection of the part and measuring the exact ratio of water to salt, I tried to pull myself together by all means, although it was not always possible to predict the consequences. I was angry and anxious at these moments, but this did not prevent me from improving my result each time, maybe it didn’t always work out, but conversations with myself helped to find genius in every miss of the process. During the whole phase, I gained safety skills, especially during the process of technological creation and was able to fully strengthen the installation of my own time-management. Sometimes it’s an extremely difficult task to learn and collect whole technologies, then you have to face mistakes, breakdowns in emotions and endless attempts to fix everything. Only knowledge of their mistakes during the experiment and obstacles helped to know himself both physically and psychologically. It would be best to make a mistake once again and start looking for the problem itself from the very beginning. Each time I practiced this, I was able to find more and more inspiration, self-development in the chosen work and make out for yourself that all the time you spent organizing in seconds was not wasted. After fulfilling my developed plan and completing the construction of the product itself I tried to re-examine everything possible to ensure the sustainability of the mechanism for the future recommendation of my society. A sufficient amount of energy from a source that creates energy, management based on simple ingredients, the addition of plastic parts to create a believable look of the machine. Own confidence about technology created by one’s own can be used for the benefit and improving the living standards of numerous people.


  1. “EXPO — 2017 Future Energy”. — Текст: электронный // [сайт]. — URL: (дата обращения: 29.05.2019).
  2. “Fun science experiments for kids”. — Текст: электронный // [сайт]. — URL: (дата обращения: 29.05.2019).
  3. “ENGINE OIL FUNCTIONS”. — Текст: электронный // [сайт]. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.09.2019).
  4. Башарулы, Р. Физика, 10 класс, общеобразовательное направление / Р. Башарулы. — Алматы: Мектеп, 2014. — 352 c. — Текст: непосредственный.
  5. Woolman, Michael Ways of knowing: an introduction to theory of knowledge second edition / Michael Woolman. — UK: IBID Press, 2006. — 600 c. — Текст: непосредственный.
  6. Hank Green “Are electric cars really more environmentally friendly?” YouTube, uploaded by SciShow, September 1, 2019
  7. Dr, L. J. Is there an alternative to fossil fuels? / L. J. Dr. — Текст: электронный // [сайт]. — URL: (дата обращения: 01.07.2020).
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): URL, EXPO, STEM, ENGINE, FUNCTIONS, IBID, OIL, Текст.

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