Modern solutions of ecological problems | Статья в журнале «Юный ученый»

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Рубрика: Экология

Опубликовано в Юный учёный №2 (5) март 2016 г.

Дата публикации: 03.03.2016

Статья просмотрена: 34 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Ковалёва, А. А. Modern solutions of ecological problems / А. А. Ковалёва, Т. И. Елдышова. — Текст : непосредственный // Юный ученый. — 2016. — № 2 (5). — С. 163-165. — URL: (дата обращения: 09.03.2025).


The environment pollution is one the most serious problems in the modern society. It has the global scale and it harms people’s health very much. People pay the penalty of forefathers’ foolishness and their rude behavior to the nature nowadays. Scientists all over a world feel really nervous and call the alarm, they appeal to people to be more attentive about the environment. Although people have separated from the nature they are still a part of it. When we destroy the environment we destroy ourselves.

All civilized countries do a lot to improve the situation and perform some ecological works. The government elaborates state laws and projects, organize special “green” organizations.

People pay a lot of attention to find alternative kinds of fuel. People use gas, oil and coal now, but arrearage of these recourses is poor. Their fund will be used up in 50–60 years. The alternative kinds of fuel are the energy of the water, the sun, the wind etc. Another new but promising kind of fuel is eco-fuel. Solar energy is a particularly inexhaustible prime mover. We can use only 1 % of the solar energy to furnish with energy the whole world. This kind of fuel will be more and more popular in the future. The most common way to capture the solar energy is using different types of collectors. People have two main problems with using solar installations, these is the high cost and the need of huge place [2].

Wind energy is the most accessible type of alternative energy at the first sight, but the wind energy is very sparse type. We cannot find minefields of the energy. The speed and the direction of the wind can change very fast and people hardly can predict the changes.

In recent years, people can observe the growth of the production and the demand of the clean and safe products. People take more care of their health and pay more attention to the food they eat [7].

Another modern development, which is unusual and popular nowadays, is bio bus. Bio bus works on the products of the decomposition of human waste — bio methane, it runs between two cities Bristol and Bath in England. People need organic waste, which is formed because of the activity of 5 persons for the whole year to fill a full tank. The full tank is enough for 305 kilometers.

Another interesting but not widely used ecological achievement is paper that is made from excrement of different animals like kangaroos, elephants, and moose. The resident of the island Tasmania Joanne Gair suggested to use the excrement of a kangaroo for the production of the paper in 2011. To her mind this production will also be very interesting for tourists. This is a wise “green” idea that can help to draw public’s attention and shows the solutions of the ecological problems. On the island Sri Lanka keepers of the elephant nursery produce high-quality paper from the manure of elephants. This paper is exported to many countries. The most famous buyer is the White House. In Sweden brothers Sunnah have been producing the paper that is made from elks’ waste since 1997. The idea has arisen not accidentally; all moose eat wood, so their excrement have a part of the cellulose.

Recycling plays an important role in solution of ecological problems. Americans and Europeans have a higher environmental consciousness than Russians. The reason why the Russians do not take care of the environment so much as the Europeans and Americans is deeply rooted in the phenomenon of the resentment [8].In Russia people don't sort garbage. People in Russia have a strict stereotype that all people who discard bottles are alcoholics or homeless. Some things that Europeans perceive as ordinary ones, Russian men might regard like something absurd. Such way of thinking is the influence of the socio-cultural milieu, so it is very difficult to change something very quickly [4]. The formation of the ecological consciousness should be started with young age, the work should be done in kindergartens. A very good example of the attitude to ecology and human health is seen in Germany as they all are keen on bio-food and recycling [5]. Special ecological class hours should be organized in elementary, middle and high schools. The Russians have to understand the importance and usefulness of recycling, as recycling can help to save a lot of resources and energy. There some positive changes in this sphere and one of them is the fact the people in Russia are conscious about this problem and even sociological research is conducted to get more information and improve the situation [3; 6].

Taking everything into account we can add that people have responsibility for the future of our planet. Everyone can do something to help the environment. There are a lot of ways how to protect the nature. Everyone should remember that he has a part of the responsibility.




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  4.      Лебедева И. В. Социокультурная среда как фактор развития этнической общности // диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата социологических наук / Москва, 2004.
  5.      Лебедева И. В.,Томас Мако Современная формула немецкой нации (рецензия на книгу Адама Флетчера «Как стать немцем» (AdamFletcher: «Wiemandeutscherwird». In 50 einfachenSchritten/AusdemEnglischenvonIngoHerzke.-VerlagC.Hbeck.Munchen, 2013. -73 p.) // Каспийский регион: политика, экономика, культура. 2015. № 1 (42). С. 343–348.
  6.      Пашкова Е. Е. Отношение студенческой молодежи к деятельности общественных экологических объединений (на примере Астраханского региона) // Теория и практика общественного развития. 2011. № 4. С.75–78.
  7.      Попова Е. А., Лебедева И. В. Экологическая угроза и пути решения экологических проблем //Война в контексте мировой культуры (сборник научных статей) /Под ред. Е. В. Гайнутдиновой. Астрахань: Изд. АГТУ, 2015. с.240–245.
  8.      Фролова Ю. С., Лебедева И. В. Феномен российского ресентимента // Вопросы элитологии: философия, культура, политика. Ежегодный альманах Астраханского элитологического сообщества. Астрахань, 2011. С.34–38.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): астрахань, студенческая молодежь.

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