The impact of Ignite format of presentation on speaking skills of learners at school | Статья в журнале «Юный ученый»

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Рубрика: Иностранные языки

Опубликовано в Юный учёный №2 (65) февраль 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 27.01.2023

Статья просмотрена: 48 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Когай, К. К. The impact of Ignite format of presentation on speaking skills of learners at school / К. К. Когай, Л. Т. Дуйсебаева. — Текст : непосредственный // Юный ученый. — 2023. — № 2 (65). — С. 101-104. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

Being able to communicate effectively is one of the most necessary Soft Skills to learn. One of them is presenting your idea in short time so that it could not be boring, because to have your idea to be heard and attract a lot of attention you must talk about it briefly, clearly and captivatingly. This article says about the research of using Ignite format of presentation and its effect on development of effective public speaking skills.

Keywords: communicative skills, Ignite talk, public speaking, confidence, speakers.

Умение эффективно общаться — один из самых необходимых навыков межличностного общения. Один из них — изложить свою идею в сжатые сроки, чтобы не было скучно, ведь для того, чтобы ваша идея была услышана и привлекла большое внимание, о ней необходимо рассказать коротко, ясно и увлекательно. В этой статье рассказывается об исследовании использования формата презентации Ignite и его влиянии на развитие навыков эффективного публичного выступления.

Ключевые слова : коммуникативные навыки, Ignite talk, публичное выступление, уверенность, ораторы.

Currently leaning of language is aimed on the soft skills development and educational curriculum of English in secondary schools of NIS is focused on preparing learners for active social roles. One of the skills that reflects knowledge, content, comprehension and use of language as well as its function in society is effective public speaking.

To study what forms of speech presentation can affect learners public speaking skills and fluency at the same time we selected such forms like TEDtalks, PechaKucha, Ignite Talk. To collect information about different types of public speaking the internet resources were used and discussed from the point of their effectiveness and if it fits the level of Grade 9 learners. The issue of the research «The impact of Ignite talk on speaking skills of learners at school» is relevant nowadays, because it provides one more idea to presentations and develops public speaking skills. As a form of entertaining people with different ideas in life, it is not only the social project, but also professional (in addition to professional knowledge and experience, it is very substantial to have excellent idea-delivering skills to get a good well-paid position at work). Therefore, the aim of my research is to study the impact of Ignite format on speaking skills of my classmates and give some recommendations on the use of this format of presentation. The lack of information in the Internet, made me investigate the issue of the project.

The methods of the study that have been used include observation, surveys, interviews, experiments with focus groups.

The hypothesis is the format of Ignite talk presentation will develop learners’ public speaking skills and confidence.

Key words: communicative skills, Ignite talk, public speaking, confidence, speakers

To collect information about different types of public speaking the internet resources were used as a source of getting knowledge about Ignite talk format, which was preferably chosen by learners of the focus group to experience the use of that way of speaking. The series of speaking events with grade 9 learners were organized as the topic issues were delivered throughout the lessons. According to the rules of Ignite talk, speakers have to speak for 5 minutes on a subject (issue) accompanied by 20 slides, for 15 seconds each, automatically changed.

Stages and procedures of the research are identified as following:

1) Researching different internet sources to collect information, facts, statistics, learning about Ignite talk: the history of creation, nuances, advices from long-time speakers and their best speeches;

2) Collecting data about the art of presentation, in general, including the topic of anxiety and fears, as well as the ways of dealing with it;

3) Researching about the importance of communication skills on the future career, relationships in the community;

4) Consulting meeting with the tutor of the project;

5) Deduction of the hypothesis: using the Ignite format of presentation will contribute to the formation of personal qualities significant for the public speaking skills;

6) Experimental work/Collecting data of the talks (grades 9);

7) Interview with the participants;

8) Analysis of the result and conclusion;

9) Writing a reflective report on the research;

10) Presentation.

Firstly, the story of creation, specific points to use the format, advices from long-time speakers were considered while preparing for the experiment. In addition, it was discussed about the art of presentation, including the topic of anxiety and fears, as well as the ways of dealing with it; and about importance of communication skills. (Consider Appendix)

Secondly, an experiment was held with the focus group of three students with varied communicative levels. They were given a topic and an unlimited amount of time to present it. Then they were explained the features of Ignite talk and offered to make another presentation on the same topic, considering teacher’s feedback. (Focus group videos of speech presentations were recorded).

An analysis of information collected from the Internet even without performing an experiment demonstrates how much the requirements are important for public speaking and communication skills coincide with the skills that can be acquired effectively by practicing Ignite format, such as confidence, the ability to get straight to the point, good verbal and non-verbal communication, emotional stability and fast thinking. The experimental work compliments this research project and fully unfolds the aim of it. Thereby, a person who has practiced Ignite talk only a few times improves their public speaking as well as writing logical speech transcripts before speaking output. The results of this project are highly recommended to consider for everyone (especially youth) who want to make a beneficial contribution to their future.

To draw the conclusion, we can say that Ignite format of presentation can be used to develop attempts of learners to public speaking in an entertaining very first that are vital for developing confident communicative skills of students, who are isolated in their own worlds and cannot develop skills of social interaction.


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Ключевые слова

communicative skills, Ignite talk, public speaking, confidence, speakers

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