Belokurikha-2 Geopark as a new way in developing of tourism in the Altai Territory | Статья в журнале «Юный ученый»

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Рубрика: География

Опубликовано в Юный учёный №7 (70) июль 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 16.06.2023

Статья просмотрена: 52 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Сизикова, М. Д. Belokurikha-2 Geopark as a new way in developing of tourism in the Altai Territory / М. Д. Сизикова, Д. В. Путинцева, С. Н. Гартвих. — Текст : непосредственный // Юный ученый. — 2023. — № 7 (70). — С. 31-33. — URL: (дата обращения: 23.02.2025).

This article assesses idea of creation of Belokurikha-2 Geopark in the Altai Territory. Russia has a great variety of wonderful places. The Atai region is one of them. It includes amazing territory in the mountain gorge, which is named Belokurikha. The place of the geopark is unique. It has a soft climate, a lot of sunny days, healing mountain air, a radon field, a picturesque landscape, a special relief. These arguments allow to establish Belokurikha-2 as an attractive tourist site.

As a result of getting information, the idea of creation of some tourist routes and museum sites is appeared.

Keywords: geopark, tourism, travelling, Russia, Belokurikha


The aim of the research is a comprehensive characterization and an assessment of the opportunity of Belokurikha-2 to become the first geopark in the Altai Territory

We have to solve the following tasks:

1) Find out the etymology of the word geopark

2) Define the goals of creating geoparks

3) Find out the role of geoparks in touristic sphere

4) Conduct a comprehensive characterization of Belokurikha-2

5) Find out the meaning of Belokurikha-2 as a geopark in developing of tourism in the Altai region.

Object: Belokurikha-2 Geopark

Subject: natural prerequisites of Belokurikha-2 Geopark in the development of the tourist zone of the Altai Territory

UNESCO Global Geoparks are unified geographical areas where sites and landscapes of international geological significance are managed with a holistic concept of protection, education and sustainability. [10]

A geopark under the auspices of UNESCO can be created in the foothill zone of the Altai Territory. The Altai State University, the Institute of Environmental Problems SB RAS and the company “Belokurikha resort” participate in this project. The geopark will be named Belokurikha-2. [6]

The conclusions of scientists are base for creating new geological routs. The inclusion of the park in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites will attract new groups of tourists in the Altai Territory. [2]

Belokurikha’s climate has high average annual temperatures and mostly windless weather, it does not have significant changes in atmospheric pressure. Belokurikha has number of sunny days in a year almost same as Crimea and Caucasus.

Belokurikha’s spring is early and warm. The weather is clear and stable in summer. Autumn is warm, with little precipitation. The weather is dry and windless in winter.

Belokurikha-2 has mineral radon thermal alkaline-siliceous waters of the Iskrovsky deposit. They differ in composition from the Belokurikha waters. They help with many diseases. [3]

The geographical sights of Belokurikha-2

Suhaya Griva a beautiful mountain, which has clear streams. According to the locals, the version of the origin of the name is connected with the peculiarities of the terrain: after the rain, the gentle top of the mountain is blown through and the road to it becomes dry while other objects are swampy.

Ogorodchiky (The belt of Sartackpay) an isolated natural massif left after natural destruction. Their peaks rise high above the taiga and are visible at a great distance. The Altaians considered these rocks sacred.

Ambarchiky The rock complex of the Belokurikhinsky granite massif is one of the earliest surface formations. On the first rock there are traces of weathering of the rock similar to the marks of paws and claws of huge animals. The modern name of the rocks is associated with a bizarre shape from a height similar to a regular rectangle.

The tungsten mine In 1939, geologists found rich deposits of tungsten in a wooded area on one of the mountain passes. This mine helped the military industry to ensure the extraction of tungsten. In one year, a highway was laid in the mountains, a mine and a village were built. In 1954, it was decided to close the mine. Nowadays it has been restored as a tourist attraction. [7]

We have conducted a survey among students of 9–10 grades of the school № 128 which is located in Barnaul. People should have answered the following questions:

  1. Do you know what is a geopark? 44 % — yes, 56 % — no
  2. Why do people create geoparks? 47 % — did not answer, 26 % — for environmental protection, 7 % — for tourism, relaxation and opportunity to make money, 2 % — for science and 2 % thought that geoparks are not needed.
  3. Have you been to Belokurikha -2? 12 % — yes, 88 % — no
  4. Is this place suitable for a geopark? 79 %- did not answer, 19 % — yes, 2 % — no
  5. What things do you think should people do for attraction of tourists to the geopark? 49 % — did not answer, 33 % — for successful advertisement, 16 % — for service improvement, 2 % — thought that it was bad place and people would not go there.

To sum up, the survey has shown that students know a little about Belokurikha-2. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct propaganda among the young population through the media and social networks.

As a result of our investigation, we have done conclusions that for development of Belokurikha-2 Geopark as tour zone necessary:

  1. Service improvement
  2. To conduct excursions for scientific and educational purposes
  3. To talk about the features of natural objects at scientific forums in Russia and other countries
  4. To organize pilgrimage trips for believers of different religions
  5. To offer training opportunities in winter sports

Oleg Yakimov, Deputy General Director of the Belokurikha Resort Company, believes that the geopark is of great importance for the development of tourism. New flows of tourists: scientists, specialists, families, athletes. Gradually, Belokurikha will turn from a small town into a large resort. [7]

In conclusion, getting of Belokurikha-2 status geopark is important not only as natural area but as interesting tour way.


  1. Корф Е. Д. Геопарки и геотуризм как инструмент устойчивого развития сельской местности // Материалы XI Международной конференции «Инновации на основе информационных и коммуникационных технологий». — Сочи, 2014. — С. 579–581.
  2. Корф Е. Д. Защита и эффективное использование геологического наследия России // Сборник трудов ХIX Всероссийской научно-практической конференции «Энергетика: эффективность, надежность, безопасность». Т. 1. — Томск, 2013. — С. 220–221.
  3. Корф Е. Д. Проблемы и перспективы развития геопарка «Алтай» // Общество. Среда. Развитие. — 2017, № 2, с. 108–115
  4. Об особо охраняемых природных территориях: Федеральный закон от 14 марта 1995 № 33-ФЗ.
  5. Википедия. — [Электронный ресурс] URL:
  6. Крупный геопарк создадут в Белокурихе. — [Электронный ресурс]// Катунь 24. URL: (Дата обращения: 5.04.2023).
  7. Курорт Белокуриха. — [Электронный ресурс] URL:
  8. Регионы России. Социально-экономические показатели за 2015 год. — [Электронный ресурс]. URL:
  9. Global Geoparks Network. — [Электронный ресурс]. URL:
  10. UNESCO. — [Электронный ресурс]. URL:

Ключевые слова

tourism, Russia, travelling, geopark, Belokurikha

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