Focus on Kazakhstan: Planning a Memorable Tour in the Heart of Central Asia | Статья в журнале «Юный ученый»

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Исследование о родном крае Отличные иллюстрации Высокая практическая значимость Актуальная тема исследования

Рубрика: География

Опубликовано в Юный учёный №9 (72) октябрь 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 07.09.2023

Статья просмотрена: 19 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Русланкызы, Жаниля. Focus on Kazakhstan: Planning a Memorable Tour in the Heart of Central Asia / Жаниля Русланкызы, Бакытжан Бауыржанулы Бауыржанов. — Текст : непосредственный // Юный ученый. — 2023. — № 9 (72). — С. 14-18. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

This article presents a tour of Kazakhstan that will help develop both international and domestic tourism in the country. Detailed information about important sights to visit, personal experience and advice.

Keywords: Kazakhstan, tour, attractions, tourist, lake, Almaty, city, nation.

В данной статье представлен тур по Казахстану, который поможет развить как международный, так и внутренний туризм в стране. Подробная информация о важных достопримечательностях, которые нужно посетить, личный опыт и советы.

Ключевые слова: Казахстан, тур, достопримечательности, турист, озеро, Алматы, город, народ.

Situated in Central Asia, Kazakhstan holds the distinction of being the 9th largest country in the world. 99 elements out of 110 known occur in the bowels of the territory of Kazakhstan. The nature of this country is not inferior to Switzerland and America. The hospitable people will accept every tourist and show the wonders of the heart of Central Asia in different directions (natural attractions, famous buildings). This topic is very in demand due to the fact that the economy of Kazakhstan is developing every year and more and more about it foreigners know.

The objective of this article: To enlighten both international travelers and Kazakh locals about the remarkable destinations in their country.

Thus, to show their traditions, mentality and culture based on history. Charge with optimism and go towards adventure.

Hypothesis: Knowing the tourist routes of Kazakhstan in the framework of world tourism will help to realize and accept the importance and necessity of active development of tourism in Kazakhstan.

Interesting information about tourist routes in modern Kazakhstan is contained.

Stages of study: Using Internet resources, collect information on the chosen topic. Share personal experience and facts using your knowledge as well.

Field of practical use of the results: Helping tourists to visit the heart of Central Asia individually with the help of the information indicated in the article.

Ways and means to achieve the goal: Analysis of websites, multiple sources of information, study of articles and videos.


The purpose of the tour is to visit megacities and famous cities of Kazakhstan.

Our route will look like this: Almaty-Aktau-Turkestan-Nur-Sultan. Many attractions are located in the vicinity of the city of Almaty, named after the large apple orchards and comes from the word «Alma» which means apple. The former name of the capital «Astana» is translated as the capital. The main symbols of this Turkic country are located in it. Turkestan is an ancient city attracting with museums and religious values.

Currency and budget. Tenge is used as the currency here. A tenge banknote, worth 10,000, was deemed the most beautiful in the world by the British publication, The Telegraph.1 $ -444.85 tenge. Visa, mastercard and Kaspi cards are also valid in the country. Flights by plane between cities will cost about 40 thousand tenge ($90). Visiting attractions in the region of $ 10–15. Hotel accommodation starts from $8 and up.


In the cities there are buses that can take you to your destination and bring you back to the city in the evening. There are also AirAstana, Scat, AirArystan flights. The 2gis, maps, Yandex application will help you navigate and call a taxi, the prices for which are $ 2–6, depending on the distance.

Day 1–4

Our tour starts from the former capital of Kazakhstan, Almaty.

Day 1

Kok — Tobe mountains and one of the highest television towers in the world. Construction began in the late 1970s. The mountain soils of Kok-Tobe are quite loose and fragile, so the construction was prudently made of light metals. 20 km from Almaty there is a place where the highest mountain of Kazakhstan — Kok-Tobe is located. This name is translated from English as «Blue Hill», which is translated. The ascent to the top can be done by cable car or motorway. The main attraction of Kok-Tobe is the television tower and the amusement park. The amusement park, amusement park and the zoo attract tourists of all ages. While on the road, one can marvel at the lush hilltops, expansive mountain panoramas, and the urban landscape.

Here, a tourist can spend and explore the area for 7–8 hours.

Day 2

Lake Kaiyndy and lower Kolsai lake.

This unusual lake is located in the Kungei Gorge, at an altitude of 1767 meters above sea level. A number of lakes and mountain lakes located on the territory of Almaty, in 2008, became part of the State National Natural Park «Kolsai Kolderi», which was created in 2006. It received the status of a special natural area with a special status as a research institution. At present, the lake is 400 m long and 25–30 m deep. In the late 1980s, the lake became larger by 100 meters, which led to a decrease in water inflow. On January 4, 1911, the Kemin earthquake, the strongest in Central Asia, occurred with a magnitude of 8.2 on the Richter scale. The peculiarity of the earthquake was its duration: it shook the mountains for almost 5 minutes. The lakes have the purest fresh water. Vacationers on the lakes are amazed by the changing color of the water every day — from bright blue to emerald green.Rainbow trout were once launched into the lakes. She survived and thrived. Now, in the evenings, tourists watch the seething water — bursts of trout. Is it possible to swim in Kolsai Lake? No. Few people would dare to swim in a mountain lake, the water temperature in which is 6–8 ° C during the hot season, but this is also prohibited, due to the fact that it is located in the reserve. The ideal time to visit the Kolsai lakes is between April and September.But extreme people visit them in the winter.

Day 3

Charyn Canyon

The natural attraction is located 195 km south of Almaty, not far from the border with China.The canyon is part of the Charyn National Park, which is included in the list of natural monuments protected by the state. This is a natural monument, the younger brother of the Grand Canyon in the USA, but even there it does not have such an unusual shape. What is unique about the Charyn Canyon? The most impressive part of the canyon is a 20–80 m wide rocky valley that stretches for 2–3 km. scarlet, pink or orange.

Day 4

Walk around the city of Almaty.

Tourists can see the city of Almaty from the inside and see the leisure of the Kazakhs. Known for their hospitality and cultural diversity, Kazakhs welcome visitors with warm smiles.

  1. Monument of Independence of Kazakhstan

Rising 28 meters high, the monument features a 6-meter sculpture modeled after the Golden Man, an archaeological discovery unearthed at the Issyk mound in the late 1960s.The statue on the monument depicts a ruler in armor and a helmet. In his left hand is a bow, a bird sits on his right hand, he himself stands on a winged leopard — a symbol of power.

  1. Central Market (Green Bazaar)

Green Bazaar is one of the oldest city markets: the first trading rows were opened in the middle of the 19th century. In 1875, two pavilions were built on the trading square, which received the name «Gostiny Dvor». The period of prosperity of the market began, which became one of the main trading floors of Alma-Ata. In 1887, he was badly damaged in an earthquake. Here, you can sample a variety of traditional Kazakh snacks and dishes.These are kurt, cottage cheese and all dairy products, as well as you will be treated to delicious horse meat. For Kazakhs in ancient times and still the horse is considered a means of transportation and food. It is from this meat that beshbarmak is made. Close people gather at the round table, and the head of the family sits above all. Such customs and traditions of this people bring together and teach respect for each other.

  1. Botanical Garden

On an impressive territory of 103 hectares is the largest park in the city — the Botanical Garden. It was established in 1932, and work began immediately on its territory to study the acclimatization of plants and breed valuable varieties. The efforts of breeders were not in vain: the garden's collection includes 7,000 species of plants, both typical for Kazakhstan and more exotic ones. We advise you to take food and drinks with you. Due to the territory, you can take a long walk and feed the swans. The view of various plants and flowers is beautiful. We finish our trip around Almaty with a walk to Al-Farabi Avenue, named after the great encyclopedic scientist, outstanding thinker, philosopher.

Day 5–6

The incredible city of Aktau

This city welcomes visitors with the stunning backdrop of the Caspian Sea.

And an important place to visit: the rock path is one of the most popular tourist routes in Aktau. It is a walking path that runs between the sea and the rocks. The length of the route is 1.5 km. The rock path, a monument to the fifth Caspian summit, is a popular attraction in Aktau. The place is unique and has no analogues in the CIS countries. In the midst of summer, the water here warms up to +27 °C, and on average in the summer season it reaches about +22 °C. Therefore, in the heat, swimming in the Caspian Sea becomes an obligatory item for tourists in the program.Moreover, there are a lot of beaches in Aktau. The most popular of them are urban ones — «Marrakesh», «Manila», «Nur-Plaza» and «Soldatsky». However, there are also wild beaches located outside the city.

Cultural rest

  1. Walk of Fame: located in the lower part of the city. It starts from Nursultan Nazarbayev Avenue, runs along Kanysh Satpayev Avenue and ends at Primorsky Boulevard. There are monuments to the national heroes of Kazakhstan — Yer Karmys, Baluaniyaz Batyr, as well as Turysh Ishan.
  2. Victory Boulevard. MIG-21 is a legendary fighter that was the first aircraft with delta wings in the Soviet Union. A monument to him is erected on Victory Boulevard. It is made in the form of an airplane on the Stella in the takeoff position. There is a tradition of annual alumni meetings in this place. Former graduates meet right under the fighter jet.
  3. Astana square Karavella-is one of the symbols of the city. It was opened on the square in Aktau about 20 years ago — in 2003. Many sculptors, casters, tilers and other specialists worked on the monument. The monument is a copy of Christopher Columbus' caravel «Santa Maria» made of bronze. It is placed on a pedestal in the form of a wave.

Day 7–8


This city is rich in various museums and religious places (mosques, mausoleum)

  1. Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi

The main attraction of the city of Turkestan (formerly Yasy) is a majestic mausoleum erected on the grave of the Turkic poet and philosopher of the XII century Khoja Ahmed Yasawi. According to UNESCO, the mausoleum was built between 1389 and 1405 by order of the ruler of Central Asia, Tamerlane (Timur). The new grandiose building was supposed to replace the small mausoleum, which was erected on the grave after the death of the philosopher.

Why is the mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi interesting? This is one of the most significant and well-preserved buildings of the Timurid era. During its construction, advanced technologies of the time were used. The legend says that Timur personally participated in the construction. During the period of the Kazakh Khanate, the mausoleum served as the residence of the Kazakh khans.

  1. Mausoleum of Aisha-Bibi and Babaji Khatun What is the mausoleum of Aisha-Bibi famous for? One of the oldest mausoleums in Kazakhstan is located near the city of Taraz. Presumably it was built in the 12th century and belongs to the era of the Karakhanids. The mausoleum has an almost cubic shape with four columns at the corners. The original building was decorated with terracotta tiles, niches, arches. Traditional patterns of ancient tribes were found on the walls.
  2. The last days in this city we visit the tourist complex «Caravanserai»

Entrance to the territory of the tourist complex «Caravanserai» is free. This is a whole town with a family entertainment center, a flying theater, a cafe, an arena for performances, a water channel, on both sides of which there are shopping boutiques. It feels like I'm in an oriental fairy tale. Boating is probably the most popular entertainment right now. Tickets cost from 2500 tenge, they are sold out in the first hours of the opening of the ticket offices from 12.00 to 14.00. In the evening, the channel hosts a free water show. The next popular entertainment is a visit to the museum in the Flying Theater, as well as viewing the history of Kazakhstan on the big screen in 8D format. At the same time, the audience is not sitting in the hall, but on a flying attraction. Very similar to the Registan in Uzbekistan. Cost -6200 tenge -14$

There are also a lot of mausoleums in Turkestan such as Rabi Sultan Begim, Gauhar ana and so on

We summarize the results of an unforgettable tour of Kazakhstan by the capital of this country, the city of Nur-Sultan.

Day 9–10

An iconic landmark of the city and one of the symbols of Kazakhstan.

«Astana-Baiterek» was built from 1996 to 2002 on the initiative of Nursultan Nazarbayev. This 97-meter structure symbolizes the tree of life from the Kazakh pagan epic. Legend has it that the prophetic bird Samruk lived in its branches and every year left a golden egg in the roots — a symbol of the Sun. The monument consists of three levels. The first one is located underground, where a cafe and an exhibition area are open. The second is the tower itself with high—speed elevators that take visitors to the third level — to the golden ball, where they enter for the sake of an observation deck, a bar and a table with a «golden handshake» — an imprint of Nazarbayev's right hand (locals believe that if they touch him, the most cherished wish will surely come true).

Khan Shatyr Shopping Center

This shopping and entertainment center is one of the most unusual in the world. Also designed by Norman Foster, it has the shape of a huge tent.The structure of the building is a steel frame on which a polymer coating is fixed. It is it that protects the interior of the complex from sudden temperature changes (the climate of Astana is sharply continental, this implies a dry summer and cold winter).

In addition to numerous shops and catering establishments, there is a cinema, a game center and even a year—round tropical beach inside the mall — with sand brought from the Maldives.

Hazret Sultan is one of the largest mosques in Central Asia. «Hazret Sultan» is a building in classical Islamic style with elements of traditional Kazakh ornament. The height of the largest dome of the mosque is 51 meters, and the height of the minarets is 77 meters.Inside the building, in addition to prayer halls, there is a room for performing a wedding ceremony, rooms for studying and even a catering establishment.

The city is located in the north of the republic, so it's worth taking warm clothes with you. We recommend that you purchase a local chocolate named 'Kazakhstan' with the Kazakh flag imprint from the company «Rahat».

Kazakhstan is rich in natural heritage and land for which centuries have been fought. They have been preserved and are the hallmark of a young country.The article indicates different locations in the cultural and spiritual direction.



Ключевые слова

city, tourist, Kazakhstan, Almaty, tour, attractions, lake, nation

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