How does the scarcity and quality of drinking water influence Kazakh people's health? | Статья в журнале «Юный ученый»

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Исчерпывающий список литературы Отличный выбор методов исследования Высокая практическая значимость Актуальная тема исследования

Рубрика: Экология

Опубликовано в Юный учёный №9 (72) октябрь 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 07.09.2023

Статья просмотрена: 34 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Пусырманов, Абай. How does the scarcity and quality of drinking water influence Kazakh people's health? / Абай Пусырманов, Н. В. Енгай. — Текст : непосредственный // Юный ученый. — 2023. — № 9 (72). — С. 36-38. — URL: (дата обращения: 23.02.2025).

In this article the author considers the problem of drinkable water in Kazakhstan. The results of sources analysis and some primary research methods are presented in the argument structure.

Keywords: the quality of water, research, water supply, water resources, tap water.

All of us are the water consumers that is why the topic of drinkable water is very important and polluted water is a threat for human lives. This is especially true since the size of Kazakhstan freshwater reserves are diminished. The volume of river flow from 1960 to 2019 decreased from 120 square kilometers to 101 and is projected to decrease to 72 square kilometers in 2030 [1]. Hence, it is supposed that the quality of drinking water in Kazakhstan is low. The poor quality of water in Kazakhstan from the central water supply directly influences people’s behavior, environment, and may cause huge expenditures, but how?

The significance of topic is justified by the fact that humanity can’t live without water. Usually, an ordinary person can survive without water for about 3 days [2]. Thus, it is needed to consider the reasons for this situation.

The aim of this research was to determine the influence of water quality on Kazakhstan ecology, economy, and its population. To reach this aim we pursue the following objectives:

  1. Determine the quality of water supply in the country’s South-Eastern part. Questionnaire
  2. Determine the quality of water in Zhetysu. Experiment
  3. Find how water quality influences on Kazakhstani people’s health and behavior. Survey

The geographical position of Kazakhstan determines the continental climate with little rainfalls and temperature fluctuations. This leads to the algal blooming drying up of reservoirs and a lack of drinking water. Moreover, providing the population with clean drinking water is a difficult task due to the vast territory and aging water treatment facilities. The complete providing of the population with fresh water can affect the environment, since it requires the installation of an appropriate equipment, which also entails high costs.

Diplomatic relations with neighboring countries, namely increased competition among water users, directly affect water supply. Countries are forced to sign agreements on the joint use of transboundary water resources, since, according to statistics, more than 40 percent of the world's population lives on them [3]. Increasing competition for intersecting water resources can be seen in the example of China, which is seeking to increase its share of water from the rivers that feed the Balkhash lake in Kazakhstan. Large-scale rice cultivation in China is increasing a water demand, threatening Balkhash and potentially causing droughts in Southeast Kazakhstan.

Carrying out kilometer work with sources outside settlements requires the high-quality equipment and maintenance, this can become a strong problem on the way to the complete provision of the population with clean drinking water, since many current water treatment facilities have been operating since the Soviet era. The consequences of this situation can be observed today in the example of energy and heating. For example, in the cities of Ridder, Rudny and Ekibastuz, an emergency occurred due to heavy wear and untimely repairs. It is worth noting that Kazakhstan also does not have access to large volumes of sea water to be processed and consumed in fresh form, like in the countries of Singapore, Malta or Saudi Arabia. Obviously, there is the Caspian Sea on the territory of Kazakhstan, however, due to the influence of water intake from the flowing rivers and warming in the Western part of Kazakhstan, because of the drying of the Aral Sea, the Caspian also begins to decrease. Even though in recent years, both in the Russian Federation and in the Republic of Kazakhstan, there has been a decrease in water consumption in the industrial, and especially in the agricultural sector, in dry years the Zhaiyk (Ural) river and its tributaries continue to shallow, and some small rivers dry up and freeze [4, p.8]. Thus, the complete providing of the population with fresh water can affect the environment, since it requires the installation of an appropriate equipment, which also entails high costs.

A water quality has a significant impact on people's behavior. Clean and safe drinking water is essential for good health, and the access to it can influence many aspects of daily life. The poor quality of tap water is forcing consumers to purchase special filters to purify it or use other purification methods such as boiling. This situation forces people to use water from those sources that are available or use special means to purify it.

Kazakhstan's geography and continental climate exacerbate water supply problems, including algal blooms, drying up reservoirs, and shortages of potable water. Providing the population with clean water is complicated by the large territory of the country and aging water treatment facilities that require the installation of expensive equipment. In addition, diplomatic relations with neighboring countries affect water supply by increasing competition between water users. The need for joint agreements on transboundary water resources is clear, given that nearly half of the world's population depends on such basins. Currently, the efforts of some countries create the danger of potential droughts and pollution of water sources. As a result, a water quality has a significant impact on people's behavior, as a poor tap water quality leads to the use of treatment methods or alternative water sources.

According to the findings from the primary study, although more than half of people have clean drinking water, based on a survey, still almost a third of people have tasted water. This position means high levels of salts and other particulate matter. However, most people use tap water that has not been filtered or boiled, which can potentially lead to a bad taste or even digestive problems.

As an experiment, measurements were taken of TDS, which means the total amount of dissolved solids in water, where the degree of mineralization to some extent affects the quality of the water. Measurements for the experiment were obtained using a special TDS tester. Since this tester is not as accurate as large research instruments in scientific centers, there is the possibility of small deviations in measurements. However, the implementation of such a research method provides the practical data for the processing and analysis of the water quality, that is, the achievement of one of the objectives.

Nevertheless, according to conducted survey respondents express concerns about the impact of a water quality on human health, however, as it was said before, not all people purify water and just drink tap water. Hence, the disparity in results may be attributed to respondents providing incorrect or unreliable information, distorting the overall outcome.

In addition to previous data of drinkable water quality, the experiment, which was conducted together with the survey, has shown almost an average water quality with sometimes reaching the level of water pollution with a high content of dissolved particles. Thus, the quality of drinking water in Kazakhstan, namely in the Zhetysu region, is of an average quality. The water is suitable for drinking; however, it still contains a high concentration of salt microparticles. Because of this, people have to use various methods of purifying it instead of directly drinking tap water to save their health.


  1. Meiram Arstanov. (2021, Apr). Water management Kazakhstan. “unece”. Retrieved from–04/3.1_ %D0 %9A %D0 %B0 %D0 %B7 %D0 %B0 %D1 %85 %D1 %81 %D1 %82 %D0 %B0 %D0 %BD %20 %28002 %29_2.pdf
  2. How long you can live without water. (2019, May). ” medicalnewstoday” . Retrieved from %20a %20general %20rule %20of,uses %20water %2C %20can %20affect %20this.
  3. United Nations. (2015). Transboundary water resources . “UN”. Retrieved from
  4. Transboundary rivers study. (2017, Feb). Preliminary Results of Research on the River Zhaiyk (Urals). “Unece” . Retrieved from

Ключевые слова

research, water resources, water supply, the quality of water, tap water

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